The ECE day of action is happening on 28 November 2024.
The focus of this day is to engage whānau and community around how changes to ECE should be made with the child at heart. Who should benefit from upcoming change to regulations and funding? Our tamariki.
This day is a chance for you and your colleagues to take a stand for early education that puts tamariki at the heart of decisions being made.
Here are resources you can use on the day:
Child at the heart A3 activity (multilingual)
ECE Day of action - Call on Government
ECE Day of action A3 poster
From Tamariki to profit A3 resource
How to use these resources:
-Engage whānau, tamariki, kaiako and kaimahi on this year’s ECE Day of Action.
-Talk to them about what a vision of child-centred early childhood education really looks like, what’s at threat, and what’s needed for the future.
-Ask whānau and tamariki to add their thoughts to the poster of a child-centred future.
-Contribute your expert thoughts and call on the government for change.
-Brainstorm how you can take this action further: post photos of the completed posters on social media, deliver the posters to your local MP's office, contact your local newspaper to come and take a photo of your team with the resources.