A professional community of educators
NZEI Te Riu Roa is the largest education union in Aotearoa – where educators stand together with whānau to demand a quality public education system where all tamariki can thrive and succeed.
Join for tamariki. Join for quality public education. Join for your colleagues. Join for fairer pay. Join for better work conditions. Join for te Tiriti. Join for strength. Join for pay equity. Join for whānau. Join for kotahitanga.
Join for good.
NZEI Te Riu Roa has been a voice for change every step of the way – from saying no to bulk funding and National Standards, to pushing for pay equity, to standing up and speaking loudly about the essential place of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in our education system for all students, and especially ākonga Māori.
By coming together, NZEI Te Riu Roa members negotiate better pay and conditions for themselves and their colleagues across the motu. At the heart what we want is the best possible public education system for all tamariki.
Stuff happens. Workplaces can be difficult to navigate. From advice and guidance to advocacy support – NZEI Te Riu Roa staff are experts in industrial relations and go to bat for our members every day across the motu.
"Being in the union has given me the chance to connect with staff from other schools, across a broad spectrum, and get a sense that we’re really all in this together – a sense of community. We face the same problems, and we’re on the same page, but we can’t do much on our own. Together, though? We’re strong.”
– Maree, primary teacher and deputy principal, 2024
“I’ve been a member for 15 years. The job’s getting harder and harder. I look at my younger team members who’ve been in the job one or two years and I think, holy heck, how are they hanging in there and keeping on top of this workload? And what can we do to help them? As a union we can work on addressing system problems like that together.”
– Kapa, primary school teacher, 2024
“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your support on the phone today – you were an absolute legend… super professional and empathetic. After talking to you I felt really prepared for my meeting.”
- NZEI Te Riu Roa member, 2024
“I can’t thank you enough for your wise words and taking the time to email me back with an excellent response to send to my boss. I felt an immediately weight lift off me once it was sent, and like you said, I felt I took my power back.”
- NZEI Te Riu Roa member, 2024
“Sometimes it feels like it is us teachers against the world. I’ve really appreciated having you at the end of the line to talk things through. Thank you for all your work.”
- NZEI Te Riu Roa member, 2023
"After joining the union, I realised that instead of just moaning, there are things I can do – there are constructive ways to provide feedback and have an active role in changing government policies.”
– Primary teacher, 2024
“The union is full of rangatiratanga – not just at the top. There are opportunities for leadership all throughout the union. And you know you always have a big group of people standing behind you.”
– NZEI Te Riu Roa member, 2024
“NZEI Te Riu Roa is a place to make friends and connections with like-minded people. You feel validated through those connections.”
- NZEI Te Riu Roa member, 2024
NZEI Te Riu Roa is the largest education union in Aotearoa – where educators stand together with whānau to demand a quality public education system where all tamariki can thrive and succeed.
We offer many member benefits like discounted health, pet and home insurance, rental cars and gym membership through HealthCare Plus and Member Advantage ... as well as strong collective bargaining, and so much more!
E tautoko ana te NZEI Te Riu Roa i ngā kaimahi Māori katoa o te mātauranga. He reo pūmau mātau mō te Mātauranga Māori, te tautoko i te reo me ngā tikanga Māori.
NZEI Te Riu Roa supports all kaimahi Māori in education. We are a strong voice for Māori education and the promotion of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori.
We are actively working towards a system that uplifts and reflects Te Ao Māori in everything we do, starting with our own systems, biases and shortcomings as a organisation.
Alone we are vulnerable, but united we are strong.
Your subscription rate is linked to the amount to you earn. All you need is your gross (before-tax and deductions) fortnightly income.
You can find more information when you apply to join.
Please contact our membership support team on 0800693443 or email nzei@nzei.org.nz for more information.
No! While union membership is optional, your employer cannot do anything to influence your decision to join in any way.
They are also obliged to let you participate in union activities, such as paid union meetings and discussing union business at your workplace.
The only requirement is that you pay your fees to maintain your membership.
From time to time staff may reach out for support on various campaigns and activity to better conditions in the education sector. Your participation is encouraged and appreciated, but it is never compulsory!
Your fees are based on your rate of pay and your regular hours of work. This is then spread across the year into regular payments depending on your preference.
If you work irregular hours, we take an annual average of hours worked and base your subscription rates on this figure.
You can view our current subscription rates above.
Every cent of your subscription fee goes towards the work of the union. It covers staffing and campaign expenses for the various areas of work members are undertaking across the motu to create a fairer, better education sector.
Yes! You can actually become of Te Kupenga Rangatahi (our New Educators Network) for free! You can find more information here.