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    Be a part of campaigns that make a difference in our sector

    NZEI Te Riu Roa members are unstoppable when they stand together. Our members have been a voice for change every step of the way from saying no to bulk funding, to gender equality, to honouring our history through the revised Aotearoa New Zealand histories curriculum.

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    Get support when you need it at work

    Stuff happens. Workplaces can be difficult to navigate. Your union is here to support you with whatever you face in your professional life. From advice and guidance to advocacy support – NZEI Te Riu Roa’s staff are experts in industrial relations and go into bat for our members every day across the motu.

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    Better Pay and Conditions

    Much of the work our members undertake is for the benefit of the whole sector – and that work would not be possible without those who give their time, money and effort to support the union’s efforts. By coming together, NZEI Te Riu Roa members have negotiated better pay and conditions for themselves and their colleagues around the motu.

What members say about membership

A professional community of educators

NZEI Te Riu Roa is the largest education union in Aotearoa – where teachers, principals and support staff stand together – with whānau – to demand a quality public education system where all tamariki can thrive and succeed. We have networks and systems in place to make sure your voice is heard, and truly counts.

Member benefits and protections

We offer many member benefits like discounted health, pet and home insurance, rental cars, hotels, petrol, magazines, gym membership through HealthCare Plus and Member Advantage ... as well as strong collective bargaining, and so much more!

Mōku te Ao

Join for good

whakataukī (Ki te kotahi ...)

A table displaying NZEI Te Riu Roa membership fees based on gross fortnightly income. The table has three sections:

Gross Fortnightly Income (before tax and deductions), with five income brackets:
Up to $530.94
$530.95 – $1,061.90
$1,061.91 – $1,592.84
$1,592.85 – $2,208.73
Direct Debit / Credit Card / Salary Deduction with payment options:
Fortnightly (ranging from $2.89 to $30.02)
Monthly (ranging from $6.30 to $65.40)
Credit Card / Invoiced by NZEI Te Riu Roa, with payment options:
Quarterly (ranging from $18.88 to $196.21)
6-monthly (ranging from $37.76 to $392.44)
Yearly (ranging from $75.50 to $784.88)
The table uses green headers with blue text and lines.

Calculate your Subscriptions

Your subscription rate is linked to the amount to you earn. All you need is your gross (before-tax and deductions) fortnightly income. 

If you are a support staff kaimahi and your pay is not  annualised, click here to use our calculator to work out your subscription rates. 

Rates listed are valid until 30 November 2022.

Frequently asked questions

Can my employer tell me not to join NZEI Te Riu Roa?

No! While union membership is optional, your employer cannot do anything to influence your decision to join in any way. 

They are also obliged to let you participate in union activities, such as paid union meetings and discussing union business at your workplace.

What is expected of me as a member?

The only requirement is that you pay your fees to maintain your membership.

From time to time staff may reach out for support on various campaigns and activity to better conditions in the education sector. Your participation is encouraged and appreciated, but it is never compulsory!

How are my subscription rates calculated?

Your fees are based on your rate of pay and your regular hours of work. This is then spread across the year into regular payments depending on your preference.

If you work irregular hours, we take an annual average of hours worked and base your subscription rates on this figure.

Use the calculator above to see what your subscription rates would be.

What is my subscription rate used for?

Every cent of your subscription fee goes towards the work of the union. It covers staffing and campaign expenses for the various areas of work members are undertaking across the motu to create a fairer, better education sector.

Can I become a member while I am a student?

Yes! You can actually become of Te Kupenga Rangatahi (our New Educators Network) for free! You can find more information here