Key Tasks
Council members and their associates act as a key link liaising with local associations,
providing leadership and communications in the rollout of campaigns and other NZEI Te Riu
Roa initiatives across their regions.
For over 30 years our Principals' Council (the Council) has provided a strong voice for principals in the work of NZEI Te Riu Roa and the wider education sector. The Council focusses on bringing the voice and views of principals to inform, shape and lead NZEI Te Riu Roa national campaigns and strategic planning.
Our council is a unique peak body made up of representatives from all parts of NZEI Te Riu Roa joined by representatives of national principals’ organisations.
You can find out who the members of each group is, and their contact details on this page.
Council members and their associates act as a key link liaising with local associations,
providing leadership and communications in the rollout of campaigns and other NZEI Te Riu
Roa initiatives across their regions.
Area Council | Principal | School | Mobile | |
Auckland | Stephen Lethbridge | Pt Chevalier | stephenl@ptchev.school.nz | (021) 647 303 |
Auckland – West Auckland Rōpū | Richard Bennett | Helensville | principal@helensville.school.nz | (09) 420 8005 |
Auckland – Hibiscus Coast / North Shore | TBC | |||
Bay of Plenty | TBC | |||
Central East | Megan Marshall | Frasertown | principal@frasertown.school.nz | 027 408 6252 |
Counties Manukau | Stephen Johnston | Pakuranga Intermediate | johnston@pakurangaint.school.nz | 027 491 6443 |
Murihiku/Southland | Tim Page | Riverton | timp@riverton.school.nz | (021) 031 4809 |
Otago (Convenor) | Stephanie Madden | Abbotsford | smadden@abbotsford.school.nz | (03) 488 2642 |
Te Tai Tokerau | Bastienne Johnston | Hukerenui | principal@hukerenui.school.nz | (09) 433 9895 |
Taranaki | Lisa Hill | Avon | principal@avon.school.nz | (06) 765 7293 |
Te Haunui Central | Leiana Lambert | Cloverlea | principal@cloverlea.school.nz | (06) 357 3955 |
Te Pīpiri Mananui o Ngā Tātaha a Māui | Hiria Te Moana | Tawera | tumuaki@tawera.school.nz | (027) 297 0004 |
Te Tau Ihu o te Waka a Māui / Top of the South | Sonya Hockley | Auckland Point | sonya@aps.school.nz | (027) 362 4496 |
Waikato | Leo Spaans | Hukanui School | principal@hukanui.school.nz | (07) 855 6037 |
Waitaha | Nick Pratt | Templeton | principal@templeton.school.nz | 021 949 902 |
Wellington | Robyn Brown | Birchville | principal@birchville.school.nz | (027) 653 8896 |
NZEI structures | Principal | School | Mobile | |
Pasifika Leaders’ Caucus | Tute Mila | Arakura | tutem@arakura.school.nz | (04) 564 6920 |
U1/2 Principals | TBC | |||
Te Reo Areare | Takarihi Temarama | Te Whare o Te Kaokaoroa o Patetere | takarihi1970@gmail.com | (07) 883 3780 |
National Executive Principals Representative | Martyn Weatherill | Te Kura o Laingholm | martynw@laingholm.school.nz | (09) 817 8874 |
Past President | Lynda Stuart | May Road | principal@mayroad.school.nz | (09) 626 8021 |
Association | Principal | School | Mobile | |
NZNSA – Normal & Model Schools | Alan Jackson | Mt Eden Normal | alanj@mteden.school.nz | (09) 630 0009 |
NZAIMS – Intermediate & Middle Schools | Toby Stokes | South Wellington Intermediate School | toby.stokes@swis.school.nz | (021) 288 0736 |
NZASA – Area Schools | Grant Burns | Tauraroa Area | grant.burns@tauraroa.school.nz | (027) 458 2214 |
NZCPPA – Catholic Primary Principals | Tom Wallis | Christ the King | principal@christtheking.school.nz | 033582708 |
NZPPA – Pasifika Principals | Maria Lyne | St Josephs Levin | principal@stjoeslevin.school.nz | (06) 368 8017 |
NZPF – Principals Federation | Heidi Hayward | Dunedin North Int | Heidi.Hayward@nzpf.ac.nz | (03) 473 9027 |
SEPANZ – Special Schools | Matthew Tofia | Sara Cohen | principal@saracohen.school.nz | (027) 353 8260 |
Te Akatea | Stacey Honeywill | Te Pākihi o Maru | principal@tpom.school.nz | (021) 479 014 |
The Principals' Helpline is a dedicated line for principal members that is staffed separately to our Member Support Centre. It operates from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. This is the best place to direct your questions and requests for support in the first instance.
Phone: 0508 774 624 725(0508 principal)