Ngā mema
Ngā mema
NZEI Te Riu Roa is a collective of over 50,000 education professionals who come together to demand better for the education sector in Aotearoa.
Use your voice
We believe in empowering each other to stand up for our rights and stand with each other in solidarity.
As a member of NZEI Te Riu Roa, you will have a hands-on role to play in building a better education sector. -
Support when you need it
NZEI Te Riu Roa protects your interests when you’re at work. Our team of field officers and takawaenga regularly visit worksites around the motu to provide advice, support and guidance to members.
Member benefits
As well as securing better pay and conditions for yourself and your colleagues, NZEI Te Riu Roa members can access a range of member benefits from health insurance to discounted car hire and savings on glasses, flowers and more.
Our sectors
Find specific information about your sector including resources, member benefits and your collective agreement.
Kaiako Kura
Mehemea he kaiako o te kura, he kaiako kura-a-rohe rānei, kei te mata waro koe o te taha mātauranga o Aotearoa. -
Ko te kaha o te kaihautūtanga ko te pūtahi o te tōpūtanga angitū, a, kaore a tātou kura e rerekē hoki. Nō reira ko koutou ngā tumuaki ngā kaihautū e whakarite ana me pēhea te whakahaere tō kura, e tautoko ana me te arataki nga kaiako kia… -
Whare Kōhungahunga
Ka awhinatia ngā kaiako kōhungahunga me ngā kaiawhina tautoko i ngā tamariki mō āpopo. -
Umanga mātauranga
He tino ahurei a mātou tamariki; kaore te rahi- kotahi - e rite ana-ki te katoa, ki roto i te pūnaha mātauranga, e mahi tika ana. He tino waiwai a tātou Umanga mātauranga kia mōhio tika ngā hiahia i tua atu o ngā tamariki, a, me kī kia… -
Kaiāwhina Tautoko
Ko ngā kaiāwhina tautoko ngā tuahangata ki roto i a tātou taha mātauranga; ko rātou e pupuri ana te mana o te kura kia ngāwari te whakahaere haere, kia mā ngā papa whenua, kia rauiri hoki, a, kua tukanga ngā utu hoki me ēra atu mahi o te… -
Te Ākonga me Ngā Kaiako Hou
Kei te akongia koe hei kaiako ki roto i ngā tau e rima i tō wā whakaako? Ka taea e koe te whakarite tārei te mātauranga mō āpōpō – ā tōna wā ka riro i a koe.
Marangai mai kia kōnekeneke!
Whakauru mai ki a NZEI Te Riu Roa.
Whakauru mai kia karanga tātou mō te pai o te utu, kia pai hoki ngā here me nga putanga kei te taha mātauranga.