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    Be a part of campaigns that make a difference in our sector

    NZEI Te Riu Roa has been a voice for change every step of the way – from saying no to bulk funding, to fighting for gender equality, to honouring our country's history through the revised Aotearoa New Zealand histories curriculum.

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    Get support when you need it at work

    Stuff happens. Workplaces can be difficult to navigate. From advice and guidance to advocacy support – NZEI Te Riu Roa staff are experts in industrial relations and go into bat for our members every day across the motu.

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    Better pay and conditions

    By coming together, NZEI Te Riu Roa members negotiate better pay and conditions for themselves and their colleagues around the motu.

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    Look after your health and your whānau’s health

    The very same unions that protect your rights at work, created HealthCarePlus to protect what’s most important to you in life. Members can ioin 13,000 fellow union members who are supported by HealthCarePlus

Put Your Membership on Hold

If you are going on leave without pay or parental leave from a position you are entitled to return to we can put your subscriptions on hold for a time. Contact us to request your membership be put on hold.

Update Your Payment Details

If your membership payment details have changed, you can contact us to update them.

Paper marae suspended from the ceiling by string.

NZEI Te Riu Roa does not receive notification from employers when a member ceases employment with them so it is important to contact us if you are no longer employed in any position we cover to avoid overpayment.If you no longer require membership of NZEI Te Riu Roa please fill in this form to request cancellation of your membership. Please note there is a 14-day notice period for resignation/cancellation of membership.If you are going on leave without pay or parental leave from a position you are entitled to return to we can put your subscriptions on hold for a time. If you are going on leave without pay or parental leave from a position you are entitled to return to we can put your subscriptions on hold for a time. Contact us to request your membership be put on hold.

Frequently asked questions

Can my employer tell me not to join NZEI Te Riu Roa?

No! While union membership is optional, your employer cannot do anything to influence your decision to join in any way.

They are also obliged to let you participate in union activities, such as paid union meetings and discussing union business at your workplace.

How are my subscription rates calculated?

Your fees are based on your rate of pay and your regular hours of work. This is then spread across the year into regular payments depending on your preference.

If you work irregular hours, we take an annual average of hours worked and base your subscription rates on this figure.

We can pause your membership payments if you are on parental leave, sick leave without pay or discretionary leave without pay. Please contact us to put your membership on hold.

What is my subscription rate used for?

Every cent of your subscription fee goes towards the work of the union. It covers staffing and campaign expenses for the various areas of work members are undertaking across the motu to create a fairer, better education sector.

What if I am taking a period of leave without pay?

Contact us to let us know when your leave is to commence and when it will cease. We will suspend direct debits for the period of leave. Your membership will be retained during any period of leave without pay for up to fifteen months.

Can I become a member while I am a student?

Yes! You can actually become of Te Kupenga Rangatahi (our New Educators Network) for free! You can find more information here.

How often do I pay?

How often you pay depends on how you choose to pay:

  • If you pay by direct debit you can choose to pay fortnightly or monthly.
    If you pay by credit/debit card you can choose to pay fortnightly, monthly, three monthly, six monthly or annually.
  • If you opt to be invoiced and pay by direct credit to our bank account you can choose to pay three monthly, six monthly or annually.
  • If you chose to pay fortnightly, we recommend that you pay your subscription on the day after your pay goes into your bank account. This is because direct debit and credit card transactions are normally processed by the banks before salary and wage payments. We have no control over these timings.
How much do I pay?

If you are teaching full time at a school or kindergarten or working full time in learning support for the Ministry of Education, then the top subscription rate will apply.

Otherwise, please use this calculator to determine your correct subscription rate.

How often do subscription rates change?

Subscription rates usually change only once a year. The actual rates and the thresholds at which each rate becomes payable are adjusted in line with the Consumer Price Index as at the end of December prior to the following year’s NZEI Te Riu Roa Annual Meeting.

Subscription rate changes are notified to members via NZEI Te Riu Roa News emails and individually to each member who pays by direct debit or recurring debit/credit card payments no later than 10 days before the change takes place. No action is required by most members although we do recommend checking that the rate to be paid is correct for your gross fortnightly pay.

How long will it take to cancel my membership?

There is a 14-day notice period for cancellations. However, we can start the process of cancelling your membership as soon as you fill in our membership cancellation form. 

After the end of our 14-day notice period, your payments will stop, though the exact timing for your last payment will depend on your payment method.

If you are leaving the sector and would like us to cancel your membership at a future date, please let us know when you fill in our membership cancellation form.

Contact us

Please get in touch by phoning 0800 NZEI HELP (0800 693 443) or nzei@nzei.org.nz and one our team members will be happy to help.