Our own aspirations to being an organisation based in Te Tiriti premised on Te Tongi – “Kotahi te kōhao o te ngira e kuhuna ai, te miro mā, te miro pango, te miro whero” and implementing our Te Tiriti partnership through the framework of Mōku te Ao.
Our commitment to decolonising our structures and processes and supporting kaiako and kaimahi Māori in the re-indigenisation of education for mokopuna Māori.

Commit to submitting on the Treaty Principles Bill

What is good for Māori is good for everyone.

As education professionals you give life to Te Tiriti in education. Commit to submitting on the Treaty Principles Bill, here.

You'll receive communications and guidance to help you through the submission process, as well as support if you would like to organise your colleagues, friends and whānau to submit too!

Toitū te Tiriti Facebook group

We have a Facebook group set up for recent updates and member discussion about Te Tiriti issues. Join the group here.

Restore Te Ahu o te Reo funding

Our parliamentary petition to restore the $30 million removed from Te Ahu o te Reo funding is live. You can sign it here.

This was a member-inspired initiative at Hui ā Tau, led by Desi Walker and strongly supported by all the representatives from around the Motu.

Toitū te Tiriti Hīkoi

A nationwide Toitū te Tiriti Hīkoi is happening on 23 November. 

You can find more details and updates, here.


You can show your support for the Toitū te Tiriti campaign by buying one of our t-shirts here.