Key Dates

Thursday 1 May
Closing date for recommendations for Honorary Fellow or LifeMembers

Sunday 1 June
Closing date for nominations for Associate or Fellow awards

Monday 9 June

Registrations for Hui-ā-Tau open

Saturday 21 June

Closing date for receipt of resolutions to amend rules or policy

Friday 18 July

Registrations for Hui-ā-Tau close

Monday 21 July

Branches, Aronui Tōmua and Komiti Pasifika are notified ofresolutions and rule changes

Monday 22 –Wednesday 24 September

Annual Meeting | Hui-ā-Tau in Rotorua

NZEI Te Riu Roa Honours

About honours

NZEI Te Riu Roa has procedures whereby it can recognise those members who have given distinguished or outstanding service to education and/or the Institute. Members considered for recognition will have conducted themselves in ways that promote and maintain the dignity and welfare of the Institute, advanced the cause of education and reflected their responsibility to learners and the community.This recognition takes the form of the award of Honours, which are considered by the Honours Committee and made on behalf of the Union by National Executive and then announced at Annual MeetingNB:

The closing date for recommendations for Honorary Fellow or Life Member is Thursday 1 May 2025
The closing date for nominations for Associate or Fellow is Sunday 1 June 2025.
Nominations which are incorrect, incomplete or which do not include the necessary referee statements will not be considered by the Honours Committee.

Current lists of honours

See the Current list of honours.(link to the file attached)

General considerations

When considering nominations or recommendations, regard should be given to:(a) members who have rendered valuable service, in a variety of ways, at Branch, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika, Area Council and National level,(b) members who have made an important contribution to the educational affairs of the Institute, even though they may not have been prominently identified with the work of their local Branch, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika or Area Council,(c) members who have made an important contribution to the industrial activities of the Union(d) women members, Māori, early childhood workers, support staff and those in their earlier years of service. In each of these categories, there are many outstanding persons who deserve to be recognised for their contribution.Attainment of elected office does not, of itself, entitle a person to an award. The foremost qualification is that the nominee has met the criterion. Other factors may be of equal, or greater, importance in individual cases.

Timing of nominations or recommendations

Honorary Fellow or Life MembershipRecommendations for these honours may be submitted to National Executive any time until 1May this year. If National Executive so decide, nominations for these honours will then proceed to the Honours Committee for consideration and the outcomes of this are announced at Annual Meeting (usually late September each year).Associate or FellowNominations for these honours may be submitted at any time between until 1 June this year. The Honours Committee undertake their considerations and the outcomes of this are announced at Annual Meeting (usually late September each year).

Requirements for nominations


The award of Associate acknowledges the work of nominees at worksite, local or area levels.

Members nominated for Associate must have 10 years of provisional or full membership of the Institute or a kindred organisation (earlier in exceptional circumstances).


The award of Fellow is made for regional or national level work.

As a general rule, members nominated for Fellow should have approximately 15 years of full membership of the Institute or a kindred organisation.

Members nominated for Fellow must be an Associate or hold an ESPA or NZEI Special Service Award.

Nomination Procedures

To be Followed by Branches, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika, Area Councils and National Executive Advisory Groups for Associate, and Fellow.

Branches, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika and Area Councils are asked to acquaint themselves with the following procedures:

i) Persons who were nominated unsuccessfully will not be considered again unless they are renominated.

ii) All nominations must be made on the official forms

iii) There is one nomination form, and the form must be marked clearly identifying which Honour the nominee is being nominated for.

iv) The names of individuals nominated should not be published in any form (eg in a newspaper report of a meeting, newsletters etc.). Any discussion of nominations must, therefore, always be taken in committee. Some Branches, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika, Area Councils and National Executive Advisory Groups have set up a special committee to deal with suggestions from members and to make recommendations.

v) Members who have been nominated for an Honour must not take part in considering the selection of those whose names are to be forwarded to the National Secretary.

vi) It is not necessary for nominees to be informed of their nomination or to complete any portion of the nomination form. If the nominee has not been informed of the nomination, the Branch, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika, Area Council or National Executive Advisory Group should nominate two referees.

vii) Neither of the referees can be the nominator, the member who moves the nomination, or a member of a committee set up by a Branch, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika, Area Council or National Executive Advisory Group to deal with nominations or a member of the Honours Committee.Cross refereeing is not allowed. (i.e. if A is the referee for B then B cannot be the referee for A).

viii) If the nominee is aware of the nomination, the nominee should be given the opportunity of recommending the name of one of the two referees to be nominated by the Branch, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika, or Area Council or National Executive Advisory Group. If the nominee does cite a referee, indicate by the referee's name in Part E of the nomination form.

ix) It is essential that before selecting referees, the nominating Branch, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika, Area Council, National Executive Advisory Group or the nominee concerned, should ascertain that the referees nominated are prepared to act in this capacity and complete the detailed referee form required.

x) Where the service requirement involves a kindred organisation, the length of service concerned, and the name of the organisation should be included on the nomination form. The Honours Committee will determine whether this meets the requirements for the particular Honour.

Requirements for Honorary Fellow or Life Membership

Honorary FellowThis award of Honorary Fellow is made to those generally acknowledged as being worthy of this high honour and who do not otherwise qualify for the award of Fellow.The nominee must have demonstrated:

eminence in their field of education, a kindred discipline or the union movement nationally or internationally
significant service to education and the well-being of learners
support for the Institute's objects, goals and activities, in principle
Life Membership

The nominee must be a Fellow or Honorary Fellow.

The nominee must have demonstrated;

distinguished service in the cause of members and education
service which has been nationwide and outstanding in nature
Recommendations Procedures for Life Membership and Honorary Fellow

1. Branches, Aronui Tōmua, Komiti Pasifika and Area Councils are invited to make recommendations to National Executive on any persons they wish to have nominated for Life Membership or Honorary Fellow.2. Any person nominated for Life Membership must have demonstrated distinguished service in the cause of education and members and must already hold the award of Fellow or Honorary Fellow.3. A full and detailed letter of recommendation setting out the grounds for the recommendation using examples to demonstrate those grounds must accompany the request to National Executive.National Executive will determine whether or not a recommendation becomes a nomination.

Honours Guidelines (link to the pdf attached)


Nomination form

NZEI Te Riu Roa Honours Nomination form (link to the pdf attached)

Referee Forms:

Associate referee form (link to the pdf attached)Fellow referee form (link to the pdf attached)Honorary Fellow referee form (link to the pdf attached)Life Member referee form (link to the pdf attached)