Tukunga pāpāho
Tukunga pāpāho
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Deregulation proposals by for-profit ECE employer group shows total disregard for early childhood teachers
NZEI Te Riu Roa, the union for early childhood teachers and staff, is appalled by the latest proposals put forth by the Early Childhood Council (ECC) which seek to undermine the…
Curriculum change too fast to be effective, say teachers and principals
Principals and teachers strongly agree that the Government’s fast-track mandating of two major curricula changes by the start of 2025 is requiring too much change too fast, an…
Primary principals and teachers’ groups ask Government to pause the fast-tracking of curriculum change in schools
Primary principals and teachers are asking the Minister of Education to pause the fast-track implementation of new structured math and English curricula by 2025, saying the rate…
Union says moving ITE from Teaching Council to Ministry of Education is wrong
NZEI Te Riu Roa has signed a joint statement to oppose a proposal by the Minister of Education to move the oversight of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) from the Teaching Council…
Scrapping pay parity for some teachers will not solve early childhood education crisis
Children in some regions waiting more than six months to access learning support specialists
The wait time for children under the age of five to access specialist learning support is now nearly 20 percent longer than it was a year ago.
Qualified early childhood teachers essential to positive outcomes for tamariki
An ERO report on children’s oral language shows the Government should be investing in an 100% qualified early childhood teacher workforce, better teacher to child ratios, and…
Teachers, parents speak up at public hearings on Govt’s regulatory review
Teacher shortages, teachers responsible for up to 10 young children at a time, and losing teachers to less stressful work are just some of the issues faced by early childhood…
UK teacher warns: Charter schools will increase privatisation of education in Aotearoa
As the Government hastily ushers through one of the most far-reaching changes to public education in Aotearoa, a visiting leader of teachers in England is warning that charter…