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Valuing education workers is key to reducing industrial action, says union
If teaching was a profession as valued by decision-makers as it should be there would be no need for industrial action, says the country’s largest education union NZEI Te Riu Roa.…
New Māori Education Action Plan light on detail
NZEI Te Riu Roa says the newly released Māori Education Action Plan is light on detail and silent on any funding to support advancing achievement for Māori ākonga learning in…
New hearings report backs ‘child-centred’ vision for ECE
On their day of action, early childhood and kindergarten kaiako and kaimahi are heartened to see widespread support for the conditions that create quality early childhood…
ECE teachers' action to call for children to be at centre of decisions about sector's future
Early childhood education (ECE) kaiako, kaimahi and whānau are taking a national stand to call for children to be at the centre of any decisions being made about ECE, as they wait…
Zero pay offer to most teacher aides and other school support staff
The Government has made a zero percent pay offer to the majority of teacher aides and other school support staff who will vote on the offer this week, NZEI Te Riu Roa says.
NZEI Te Riu Roa joins calls to restore Pasifika Early Literacy Project
New Zealand’s largest education union, NZEI Te Riu Roa, has called on Education Minister Erica Stanford to restore funding to the Pasifika Early Literacy Project (PELP), which…
Union submits complaint about charter school legislation employment violations to International Labour Organisation
New Zealand’s largest education union, NZEI Te Riu Roa, says that the Government's new charter school legislation violates international labour laws and teachers' work rights. The…
Narrow and prescriptive new curricula was never consulted on properly, says union
NZEI Te Riu Roa says that the quiet release today of the final curricula documents for mathematics and English – to be implemented in Term 1 2025 – confirms concerns that the…
An effective system tackling absenteeism should have educators at its centre
Principals are experts in their communities and with an investment in resourcing can work with whānau to address chronic absence in schools, says education union NZEI Te Riu Roa.