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Mana Taurite

The Equal Pay Amendment Act

19 Oct 2022
2 minute read

On 6 November 2020, making a pay equity claim became a whole lot simpler when the Equal Pay Amendment Act came into force.

Because the education sector is 85% female, the Act opens up major opportunities for all NZEI Te Riu Roa members. The Act gives us a much clearer path to pay equity for the many female-dominated roles that have historically been undervalued because they involve ‘women’s work’ and the care and education of children.

How does the Act change the pay equity process?

In passing very important amendments to the Equal Pay Act, the Government has made it clear that it wants the gender pay gap to close and for unions to play an important role in doing so. These amendments to the Act provide significant opportunites and a responsibility on unions to act decisively to end wage discrimination based on gender in New Zealand workplaces.

  • The Act applies to any workforce in which at least 60% of employees are women.
  • It’s a much clearer process to raise a claim.
  • The employers we raise claims with must engage in the process.
  • It’s a collaborative process more familiar to unions and businesses.
  • We can negotiate with employers in good faith and there is access to mediation and dispute resolution services if we can’t reach agreement.