You can find details of all the specific support we provide for tumuaki on this page.
Principals' Helpline
The Principals' Helpline is managed by our Principal Support Officers and operates from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
0508 774 624 725
(0508 principal)
Principal Support Officers
We also have five Principal Support Officers (PSOs) who work across the motu. These are experienced educators with extensive school leadership experience who work directly with tumuaki | principal members in a range of ways.
Besides supporting the implementation of work planned by the Principals Council of NZEI Te Riu Roa, they are also available to provide individual industrial and professional support to principals as needed. Support can be in the form of:
- A listening ear and a problem-solving approach;
- Guidance with problems or challenges in your professional work;
- Advice and representation in employment matters raised by your employer;
- Updating and sharing information on all matters of importance to principal work;
- Assisting with the development and maintenance of networks focused on principal matters;
- Empowering members to engage, participate and take action to achieve the outcomes they want whether this be in the system or in relation to their pay and conditions.
We have visual resources you can print out as a reminder of the mahi our principal support officers do:
- Tumeke Tumuaki visual resource (black and white)
- Tumeke Tumuaki visual resource (colour)

Principals’ Council of NZEI Te Riu Roa
Our Principals' Council provides a strong voice for principals in the work of NZEI Te Riu Roa and the wider education sector. The Council meets regularly to progress work to address issues faced by tumuaki | principals and to undertake projects aimed at improving support for their mahi. In this way principals’ views inform, shape and lead NZEI Te Riu Roa national campaigns and strategic planning.
The Council is a unique peak body made up of representatives from across the motu and all parts of NZEI Te Riu Roa joined by representatives of national principals’ organisations.
- Find out more about the Council and their contact details here.
Collective Agreements
NZEI Te Riu Roa members have negotiated better pay and conditions for principals. You can read the collective agreements for area school and primary principals below:
Area School Principals Collective Agreement
Primary Principals Collective Agreement
*Please call the Principal Helpline (0508Principal) if you have any questions about your terms and conditions of employment.
Principals’ Kit
This is a dynamic resource for principals. Sections cover a range of topics including staff management, school leadership, administration and leadership in rural schools. The kit is updated as necessary in line with legislative and policy changes.
- You can find the Principals' Kit here.
Rural Teaching Principals Conference
The Rural Teaching Principals Conference is a popular conference providing professional learning and development that is relevant and practical while also supporting the hauora of rural and teaching principals. Designed by principals for principals in U1-3 schools it is open to all and held in a different region each year.

Principals' sentiment survey
The NZEI Te Riu Roa Principal Sentiment Snapshot received 629 responses, representing a 1/3rd (32.4%) of principals in the primary sector, meaning that the survey findings are a good representation of principal sentiment across the sector. There was a mix of school size and principal experience represented in the sample, covering U1 to U10 schools, and principals in their first year in the role to principals with over 30 years’ experience.
- You can read the findings from the Principal Sentiment Snapshot 2023 here.
Professional Coaching Support for Principal Leadership Role Funding guidance
As part of the settlement to the Primary Principals’ Collective Agreement, primary principals and the Ministry of Education agreed that in each of 2023 and 2024, principals can access up to $6,000 of Professional Coaching Support for Principal Leadership Role Funding.
- You can read the guidance to using this fund here.
Regular Principal to Principal email
Every two weeks we send out a Principal to Principal email to keep tumuaki updated about what is happening at NZEI Te Riu Roa and let them know about any relevant information, which often relates to collective agreements or principal advocacy work.
Joint statement following teacher supply shortage summit
Nineteen Education Sector Groups met 2–3 September to discuss teacher supply in Aotearoa New Zealand. The group comprises peak education bodies including teacher education providers, professional bodies and unions as well as representatives of students and beginning teachers.
Read more here.

A principled approach to system change
A principled and collective approach is helpful when you are concerned about the impact of new initiatives on tamariki. The Principled Approach document was developed through conversations with tumuaki, and was formally launched at the 2024 Rural Teaching Principals Conference. You can read it here.