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[FAQ] Trouble receiving emails

01 Jul 2022
2 min read

I'm not receiving emails from NZEI Te Riu Roa

If you are a member and your correct email address is in our system then you are being sent emails according to relevance. The emails are currently sent through a third-party web-based email platform.

There are several possible reasons why an email might not arrive in your inbox. Our current email platform uses various servers worldwide to send emails from and sometimes ISPs will stop emails from certain countries they suspect could be spam. The server at a school could block an email depending on its spam filter settings.

We have recently moved to an email platform that will give us a dedicated server to send emails from, this will decrease the likelihood of our emails being blocked and will allow us to supply an IP address to schools to ensure our emails get through their servers.

In the interim, members can improve the chances of receiving our emails by having an individual online email account (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc.) as these email clients are less likely to block our emails.

Improve your email experience

To make sure that all members can be fully informed, it's important that NZEI has an individual email address for everyone. 

If you don't have a personal email it's very easy to set one up with gmail, hotmail, yahoo and many other email services. Also please encourage other members at your worksite to do the same.