Selection Criteria
Applications will be assessed on how well your project meets the purpose of the scholarship by showing clearly how it:
- develops and strengthens your ability to communicate to your sector
- aligns with NZEI Te Riu Roa kaupapa – specifically Mōku te Ao (For more information click here).
Your application will also be evaluated on:
- whether your project has the potential to foster or contribute to greater understanding of current education sector issues
- and how you will, using SMART goals:
- share the findings of your project and the experience it has provided with your colleagues and the general membership
- carry out your project (the process)
- manage your time throughout the year
- evaluate the success of your project
- use the scholarship funds (a breakdown of costs is required).
The NZEI Te Riu Roa committee responsible for seeing that the scholarships are awarded will consider how many scholarships will be recommended to the National Executive for approval.
The total value of scholarships for 2026 will be to a total value of $36,000, with a maximum value of $6,000 per scholarship.
The National Executive reserves the right to determine if a report will be published and/or promoted through NZEI Te Riu Roa networks.
Please note that any survey to be conducted with NZEI Te Riu Roa members as a result of being awarded a scholarship must first be approved by the National Executive first.
The Application Process
- Your application will describe your project in detail and what you hope to achieve. It will demonstrate how the selection criteria will be met and will provide a summary of how the scholarship money would be used if you were selected as a recipient.
- Please note that question word areas have a maximum word limit of 500.
- You must supply the names and contact details of two referees who support your application.
- If you need help with your application, you could seek initial support from a colleague in your workplace, network, branch or Aronui Tōmua who is willing to check you have met the application requirements including how your project links to the scholarship criteria.
If you have difficulty accessing this support, we may be able to help you. Contact
Following a decision by the selection panel you will be notified of the outcome of your application in September.
The names of scholarship recipients will be made public at the NZEI Te Riu Roa Annual Conference. Recipients will receive the first instalment of the scholarship money in October.
Presentations of the scholarship certificate will take place at a meeting of their area council or branch/Aronui Tōmua in Term 4.
Scholarship recipients would then begin and complete their projects.
Your application must be completed electronically through this online application form: In English or in Te Reo. You can find a transcript of the application form here.
As the form cannot be saved to come back to, we recommend writing your application in a document you can save before entering it into the form.
Please ensure that you follow the selection criteria when completing your application.
Handwritten or emailed applications will not be accepted.
If your application is successful
If you are a successful applicant for scholarship in 2026, you will be required to:
- Provide a milestone report of your progress in June 2026
- Submit a final report to NZEI Te Riu Roa in January 2027
- Submit a record of your expenditure, including copies of receipts, with your final report.
Awarding scholarships
Since 2023 there is a change in criteria and approach for awarding scholarships. This allows for more recipients to be awarded scholarships, as well as a greater focus on Mōku te Ao.
The scholarships will be offered annually to a maximum value of $36,000:
- Support Staff Scholarships will be awarded up to the total value of $18,000, with no individual applicant being awarded more than $6,000.
- Early Childhood Education Scholarships will be awarded up to the value of $18,000, with no individual applicant being awarded more than $6,000.
The panel's decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into regarding the panel's decision.
If you are successful, the first instalment (half of the funds awarded) will be deposited into your account.
The second and final instalment will be paid on receipt, and approval, of the milestone report in June.