Mana Taurite | Pay Equity

Mana Taurite | Pay Equity

As educators, we play a vital role in the lives of tamariki and communities in Aotearoa. 

The work of an educator is highly skilled. But our pay and conditions don’t always reflect this. 

There’s a long history in the fight for pay equity. It’s now time for educators to continue the campaign and ensure we are valued for the work we do. 

Right now, we have multiple pay equity claims underway, including our teachers’ claim, which covers over 90,000 teachers and principals!  

If you’re a teacher or principal, you can read more about your claim here. 

Let’s come together, champion the work of educators, and win the best pay equity settlements we can.

Teacher Aide assists a student with their school work.

What is pay equity?

Pay equity means that people are paid equally for doing work of equal value. It recognises that while on the surface two jobs may look different to each other, if they require similar skills and experience, responsibilities, degrees of effort or working conditions then they should be paid the same.

Seen as ‘women’s work’, many jobs that are mainly done by women are often undervalued. The pay equity process works to fix this undervaluation.

You can learn more about the history of pay equity here.

Current claims:

Our current pay equity claims include teachers, Ministry of Education advisors, Ministry of Education psychologists and Ministry of Education service managers.

Our pay equity wins

NZEI Te Riu Roa has achieved significant pay equity wins for educators. Find out more about them here:

How do we win pay equity?

We’ll win pay equity by working together. We need to accurately illustrate to the Government the wide-ranging work responsibilities of educators and build public support to ensure the Government sees how important this issue is within our communities.

Seeing a pay equity claim through takes time, resources and expertise. As the largest education union in Aotearoa, we are best placed to initiate the pay equity process and bring it to a successful settlement.

Winning will take all of us.

Join the campaign

Be a part of ensuring that wāhine kaimahi are valued for the work that they do in our education sector.