Paper marae suspended from the ceiling by string.

ECE and Support Staff Scholarships

NZEI Te Riu Roa ECE and support staff scholarships

The 2026 scholarship applications round open on Saturday 2 February 2025 and close on Friday 2 May 2025.

The scholarships are set up to advance the strategic direction of NZEI Te Riu Roa by providing an opportunity for early childhood education and support staff members to enhance their skills and knowledge within the workplace and in education generally.

Who is eligible?

You must be a fully financial member of NZEI Te Riu Roa for at least one year. There is also an expectation that the eligibility criteria will continue to be met during the scholarship year. Any change in employment circumstances related to eligibility, either prior to accepting a scholarship offer or during the year of the scholarship, must be communicated to NZEI Te Riu Roa.

You should be:

  1. A teacher employed in an early childhood service; or,
  2. A support staff worker employed by and early childhood service; or,
  3. A support staff worker employed by a primary, area or secondary school at the time of applying

Thinking of applying?

The 2026 scholarship applications round open Saturday 2 February 2025 and close on Friday 2 May 2025.

To learn more about the application process, what to expect and how to write a good application, click here

Scholarship Timeline

Saturday 2 February - Applications open

Friday 2 May 5pm - Closing date for applications

- Successful and unsuccessful applicants advised

- Scholarship recipients announced at NZEI Te Riu Roa Annual Conference
First instalment of scholarship money deposited into recipients’ bank accounts

Late 2025
 - Recipients presented with Scholarship Certificates by their area council/branch/aronui tomua

June 2026
 - Milestone Report due
Final instalment of scholarship money following receipt and acceptance of Milestone Report

December 2026
 - Recipients complete their projects

Final report due January 2027

2024 scholarship recipients

Find out about the 2024 ECE and Support Staff scholarship recipients here.  

The list of the 2023 recipients of the ECE and Support Staff Scholarships

Pala Fisher - learning support assistant at Waiheke primary School. Pala’s project is Creative Therapies in Schools - to nurture and care for the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of tamariki.

Kate Griffin
- teacher aide and English language assistant at Island Bay School. Kate’s project is entitled Me ako tonu/keep learning: In pursuit of best practice for learning and wellbeing.

Dale Manson
- office assistant, and health and safety coordinator at Cockle Bay School. Dale’s project is entitled Hangaia he mahere - Make a Plan.

Victoria Goode
- teacher aide at Nelson Central School, with her project The Theory and Practice of Nurture Groups.