Key Dates

Thursday 1 May
Closing date for recommendations for Honorary Fellow or LifeMembers

Sunday 1 June
Closing date for nominations for Associate or Fellow awards

Monday 9 June

Registrations for Hui-ā-Tau open

Saturday 21 June

Closing date for receipt of resolutions to amend rules or policy

Friday 18 July

Registrations for Hui-ā-Tau close

Monday 21 July

Branches, Aronui Tōmua and Komiti Pasifika are notified ofresolutions and rule changes

Monday 22 –Wednesday 24 September

Annual Meeting | Hui-ā-Tau in Rotorua

NZEI Te Riu Roa Honours

About honours

NZEI Te Riu Roa has procedures whereby it can recognise those members who have given distinguished or outstanding service to education and/or the Institute. Members considered for recognition will have conducted themselves in ways that promote and maintain the dignity and welfare of the Institute, advanced the cause of education and reflected their responsibility to learners and the community.This recognition takes the form of the award of Honours, which are considered by the Honours Committee and made on behalf of the Union by National Executive and then announced at Annual Meeting


  • The closing date for recommendations for Honorary Fellow or Life Member is Thursday 1 May 2025
  • The closing date for nominations for Associate or Fellow is Sunday 1 June 2025.
  • Nominations which are incorrect, incomplete or which do not include the necessary referee statements will not be considered by the Honours Committee.

More informations about Honours