Media releases
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PISA results show urgent need for increased support for tamariki
The latest PISA results show that the incoming Government should continue the school lunch programme and provide more learning support for students and young people rather than…
Early childhood education teachers take action urging government to prioritise tamariki
Kaiako and kaimahi working in early childhood education (ECE) are holding a national day of action to call on the new government to put tamariki first by prioritising improvements…
Fund full pay parity for ECE educators before paying landlords
A policy decision in the recently released National-ACT coalition agreement documents means landlords will receive a large Christmas bonus that no one voted for – at the expense…
Children need a government that cares about early learning, not removing rights and safeguards of quality
The government should be focusing on better early childhood education funding, not regulation, if it wants the quality and safety of early learning for tamariki to be improved,…
Union says new government adopting radical aims of ACT will not serve tamariki
Before National allows ACT to determine a radical direction of change in education, they should listen to teachers and parents about what is needed for tamariki, says New…
Early childhood teachers should not be short-changed because of inadequate forecasting
The incoming government has an urgent job to do fixing early childhood education funding, education union NZEI Te Riu Roa says.
Early childhood education teachers strike over essential funding
Kaiako and kaimahi from around 100 community early childhood education centres across the motu covered by the ECE Collective Agreement will take strike action for the first time…
Largest ECE survey in years, Kōriporipo, highlights teachers under pressure
The largest survey of the early childhood sector in Aotearoa in recent years, Kōriporipo, shines a light on the immense pressures facing ECE kaiako and kaimahi and makes…
Do not return to standardised testing, do not run education like a business
Educational success comes from investing in the connection between teachers and learners through smaller class sizes, not running the education system like competing supermarkets…