Media releases
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School and Kindergarten Teachers and Principals call union meetings, urge swift response from Government to claims for improved pay, staffing and working conditions
Tens of thousands of primary and early childhood educators are readying themselves to take action to speed up the settlement of their collective employment agreements and to…
Disappointment at decision not to fund pay parity
NZEI Te Riu Roa is bitterly disappointed at reports the government failed to fully fund pay parity for early childhood teachers in this year’s Budget in an effort to save money.
More support needed for teachers around new curriculum
Primary school teachers’ union NZEI Te Riu Roa is welcoming the curriculum overhaul announced today and says increased support for teachers’ professional development will be…
Education funding must be inflation-proof for our tamariki
Educators are calling on the National Party to explain how cuts to education spending in real terms at a time of significant pressure on tamariki will not further compromise their…
Worrying trend in pool of reliever teachers continues
Primary school principals are warning the disruptions to children’s learning will continue this term, with new analysis from NZEI Te Riu Roa showing the chronic shortage of relief…
Historic move by teachers in private early childhood centres
For the first time, early childhood teachers working in privately owned centres have approached their employer to initiate bargaining for a collective agreement.
NZEI Te Riu Roa submits on Fair Pay Agreements legislation
NZEI Te Riu Roa has delivered its oral submission in support of the Fair Pay Agreements Bill, outlining how it will benefit workers and improve the quality of early childhood…
Seventy-nine percent average pay increase for kaiārahi i te reo in proposed pay equity settlement
Ko ngā Kaiārahi I te reo e whiwhi mahi ana ki roto I ngā kura o Aotearoa, koina ngā Kaiārahi ka kitea kua whiwhi he mana koiora, he mana taurite, a, koina hoki te mihi ki ngā ...
NZEI Te Riu Roa seek feedback on unified pay proposal
NZEI Te Riu Roa is looking forward to members’ response to a Council of Trade Unions’ proposal to negotiate a unified pay agreement between public sector unions and the Government.