Media releases
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Specialist learning support staff have voted to accept their latest offer
Specialist learning support staff have voted to accept their latest offer from the Ministry of Education and have withdrawn their strike action.
Principals call on Ministry to fund all lump sum payments to teachers
Primary school principals say some schools will face budget holes and some students may go without resources because the Ministry of Education has changed its initial advice about…
Specialist Learning Support staff vote for ban on new cases from next week
Speech language therapists, psychologists, advisers on deaf children, behaviour specialists and other Ministry of Education specialist staff have voted in favour of industrial…
Whakamana tangata – call for education debate to centre those at the heart of sector
The experience and solutions from those working at the heart of education in Aotearoa need to be front and centre in the upcoming general election debate, says NZEI Te Riu Roa.
Revised offer sent to primary principals
NZEI Te Riu Roa advise that they have received an offer from the Ministry of Education for primary school principals.
Early childhood sector Fair Pay Agreement process gets go ahead!
The early childhood sector is set to embark on the next steps in their Fair Pay Agreement process which will set minimum pay and conditions for over 35,000 workers.
Schools face leadership crisis over next five years
Nearly half of new primary school principals intend to leave their role in the next five years, a new survey by NZEI Te Riu Roa has found.
Primary school teachers accept 4th collective agreement offer
Primary teachers have voted to accept the latest Ministry of Education collective agreement offer. This was the fourth offer put to teachers and follows a long negotiation…
Union dismayed by Mayor's proposal to cut ECE
NZEI Te Riu Roa, New Zealand’s largest education union, was dismayed and surprised by Mayor Wayne Brown’s decision to insist on cuts to provision of early childhood education in…